I’ve been heavily into UF and PNR the last few months. I’ve found some good authors through KU. The Eternal Mates series by Felicity Heaton has been one of my favorites. I finished Primal Mirror (Psy-Changeling #8) by Nalini Singh. I’m going to pivot and go back to contemporaries for a while. I’m going to try King of Wrath (Kings of Sin #1) by Ana Huang. This is my first book by this author. I’ve seen some really good reviews of her books, so I’m hopeful.
I reread (on audio) the Dark in You series by Suzanne Wright. I am now listening to The Mercury Pack series by the same author.
I’ve just been re-reading non-stop. I’ve read hundreds (might be a slight exaggeration) of samples and nothing is grabbing me, so I just kept re-reading. I finished the Kate Daniels series on audio, then listened to Blood Heir, Iron and Magic and both Wilmington Years books; Magic Tides and Magic Claims. I also read Repeat and Pause by Kylie Scott.
The only new-to-me books I finished this week were Ignite by Melanie Harlow and When Love Sparks by Chelsea Harmon.
Tagged: Casee’s Reading, Holly’s Reading, What Are You Reading