Talking at Night by Claire Daverley

genre: contemporary fiction

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley

Rosie and Will are polar opposites in many ways – the way they look, their feelings about rules, the way they show up in the world – no one would ever even picture them as friends.  But somehow – they find something in each other that’s missing everywhere else.  When tragedy turns life upside down, they can either find comfort in each other or in solitude. Either choice will have lasting consequence.

This book is so heartbreakingly lovely, a raw kind of breathtaking.  It is heartbreak and trauma and the kind of love that’s under your skin in a way only a teenage romance can.  It is complicated and winding and for me, it felt so authentic.  I wanted things to be easier but I BELIEVED when they weren’t – the narrative took me through with genuine compassion and I cared so much about these characters.  It’s a painful journey, and I can understand why this book wouldn’t be for everyone, but for me, it felt full of the real kind of emotion that exists in life and I couldn’t put it down. 

Content : adult themes, some sexual content, language

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