Rating: 3.75 stars
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Length: Novel
Cosmo, Corbin, and Cullen are half fae, half dragon triplets that have been tasked with being guardians of the veil. They are making the house their own and doing their best to keep everyone safe. When Cosmo gets a vision of a fire dragon arriving, at first he’s scared. There has been much strife in the past, but when Hawk finally shows up, everything shifts.
Hawk is an old dragon. Like ancient. And when he wakes from his slumber and his house is gone, he goes searching, only to find that it is part of a new house, and a pink, beautiful man calls to him. It’s quickly apparent that Hawk and Cosmo are mates, and they begin the process of binding their lives together.
But as blissful as it is, there are worries. Hawk is trapped on this side, and can’t go through the veil. And even though they are mates, Cosmo hasn’t become pregnant. But the closer they get, the more things settle, and life is changing. Cosmo gets pregnant, and their worries shift as their happiness grows. When trouble comes, Cosmo doesn’t hesitate to face it. And in the process, they find that their lives are even better than it seems.
This is a new spin off series in Minerva Howe’s larger Dragon Veil Universe. I’ve not read any of those books and it worked against the story for me. While there is a lot of information about the past series and the troubles the dragons faced, it wasn’t quite enough to bring me fully in the loop. So I would suggest reading those books before jumping into this one.
Overall, this is mostly a sweet story of two men finding each other and instantly connecting. There’s not much talk of mates and love, it just is a given that’s what’s going on. It was easy enough to roll with, and I didn’t have that much of a problem with it. These two guys are sweet and loving, there’s a bit of camp and silliness, but Cosmo and Hawk connect and just go about their lives. There’s not a lot of drama or conflict; it’s a tale of the MCs figuring out how to fit their lives together.
The world as a whole is well built, but it must have been explained in previous books, because I found that explanation a little lacking here. I would have liked to see a bit more explanation and a few less time jumps to really make this story work for me. As it was, I found myself with a lot of questions, but it was clear that those answers were found in previous stories.
Overall, I liked it even though I wanted some more from it. The characters were fun, and I particularly liked the banter. I expect that if you’ve read the previous stories, you’re really going to want to read this one as well. Otherwise, I wouldn’t jump in here, but check out the other titles first.