The Baker Street Mysteries #1,#2 by Holly Hepburn – Superfluous Reading
The Missing Maid
In this first story we meet Harry White, a woman who doesn’t need to work but wants to. Her mother just wants...
Kimberly Brock’s The Fabled Earth unfolds a multilayered mystery surrounding Georgia’s Cumberland Island
In her third novel, Brock (The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare, 2022) proves marvelously adept at intertwining mythic stories with contemporary reality and showing...
The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich (audiobook)
genre: contemporary fictionIn a North Dakota prairie town, the lives of both young and old are caught in the seasonal web that is sugar...
Sandwhich by Catherine Newman (audiobook)
genre: contemporary fictionRocky has so been looking forward to her arrival at the Cape Cod beach town where they spend a week every summer. ...