If you follow my reviews or accounts on social media you will know that I’m a huge fan of M.W. Craven and the Washington Poe series so it will come as no surprise when I say I loved The Mercy Chair. In fact, I was lucky enough to receive a proof (I may have begged #noshame) so I’ve been sitting on my thoughts for some time. If you want the blurb, click the book image above and it will take you to amazon… and don’t worry, it’s not an affiliate link, just saves you having to search!
Holy friggin shizzle… THIS BOOK was epic! Set in the U.K. you will be faced with a hella bunch of trauma, extremist religious views, fear, manipulation, exploitation and other bits I don’t want to mention in case I spoil something. Just note: you’ve been warned and if you have triggers, now’s the time to check them.
I don’t want to waste time with gushy waffle (I could, because I feel it, but I won’t) The Mercy Chair will honestly mess with your mind. NOTHING is at it seems and even if you think you’ve sussed something out, the author is going to throw something in that will make you question everything and everyone.
I think it is my absolute favourite in this series so far – dark, EPIC twists… trust me, you will be OMFG-ing so much as you read this, but there’s also some incredible banter and humour, amazing characters (old and new) and the storyline was creepy AF but also quite relevant to things that can and have happened.
This book is also set some time apart from the last and told in a then and now fashion so we learn a few things new about Poe and the others… I have to say that Estelle (IYKYK) is one my faves now and if Craven does anything to harm her, I will be really pissed (it will probably happen… but I am going to live in denial until it does).
In a nutshell, this was one of THE BEST books I’ve read in 2024… and I’ve read quite a few! The revelations come pumping out like an AK-47 and I don’t care if you say you saw some of them coming…no you didn’t! 😂 If you love dark, creepy AF thrillers with incredible mind-blowing twists – THIS 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 THAT 👏🏻 BOOK!
M.W. Craven is HUGELY talented on writing about dark issues, making me feel like I have things sussed and then ripping the rug out from under me… laughing as I fall to the floor… and playing 100% with my feelings! Bad man!
Each book in this series is an individual story but it is probably best to read them in order to get a handle on the characters and some of their backstory… as well as seeing their growth as the series progresses. And yeah, I lied… I did gush but I can’t help it! So 👏🏻 friggin 👏🏻 good!
The Mercy Chair is a must read and with June being National Crime Reading Month, do yourself a favour. I can’t wait to read the next in this series!
Incredibly dark, creepy, chilling, emotive and twisty… go and pick up this pager turner today!
A GAZILLION STARS FROM ME ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ etc…