Hi, readers! The latest I Love Romance Blog review selection is Of Sound Mind and Someone Else’s Body by William Quincy Belle.
Take it away, V.B.!
Of Sound Mind and Someone Else’s Body by William Quincy Belle
This is an awesome mix of science fiction and romance. I would classify it as sci fi powered by the loving connection of its two main characters. Alan and Hana, or Hana and Alan find themselves in each other’s bodies. Once you get past the opening scene and the shock of experiencing a heterosexual man waking up in a woman’s body as she’s giving a client a blow job, the story takes off.
The writing is fast-paced, and the dialogue is fun. The story is told from Alan’s point of view and the author does an excellent job exploring gender, biology, society, and the differences between the sexes. The love story is gentle with a closed-door sex scene. It’s an adventure and you never know whether they will be stuck in the wrong body until the end.
This is a contemporary tale with “we’re almost there” science that makes it work. The characters act realistically, and the only warning I will give is contextual. A big theme of this book is sex, and our personal and societal hang ups about it. The open discussions, “graphic” language and visuals, and truthful ideas are very frank and may set off biases. The main opposing stances weigh Puritan vs. sex worker ideals. It was enjoyable to explore the possibilities. If you want a normal, calm romantic love story, this one could have too much excitement for you.
NOTE: I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I give this book 5 hearts because the author fulfilled the premise and made Alan and Hana connect in ways beyond imagination.
Many thanks, Virginia! ♥
Book Info:
Alan Maitland thinks he’s The Man.
It’s taken him years to navigate the man-to-man, testosterone-soaked battleground of Wall Street politics. He’s had to fight tooth and nail to climb each rung of the corporate ladder. However, Alan’s always believed it’s going to be worth it – and tonight, he’s going to bed convinced he’s on the verge of finally breaking big.
But then, the impossible happens.
Alan awakens in an unfamiliar hotel room, with an unfamiliar man, and inhabiting an unfamiliar body. Somehow, he switched places with a beautiful young stranger – and right when she was getting intimate!
Meanwhile, across the city, high-class escort girl Hana Toussaint finds herself similarly transported – into a lush bed, in a luxurious penthouse, and into Alan’s body! The two of them have inexplicably traded places, and after the desperate scramble to track each other down, they quickly realize that neither of them knows why.
So begins the frantic search for a solution, and the struggle to maintain each other’s lives long enough to return to them. As ambitious Alan learns firsthand how society treats women, he also witnesses how deftly Hana guides the future of his high-flying career. Soon, he comes to realize that he’s developing feelings for the woman who became the man he used to be.
Of Sound Mind and Somebody Else’s Body is a fast-paced, provocative science fiction story for adults, which poses the divisive question: “Are you man enough to be a woman?”
Universal Book Link: https://books2read.com/u/bOwO5J
Here’s a teaser from the book…
Alan woke from a deep sleep. It took a moment to grasp where he was and to notice his surroundings. A male arm draped over his chest. Then he realized a body was spooning him. While these two pieces of information would have made him jump out of bed, his brain recalled the events of the previous night. He wasn’t in bed with a man; he was in bed with a woman. It was a woman in a man’s body, his body, but he was a she. Alan wasn’t awake enough to either chuckle or freak out.
Hana seemed to be asleep. Alan shifted and felt something pressing against his buttocks. She had a morning erection. That is, he had a morning erection, or at least his body had one. The switching of their minds sounded like a 1950s black and white horror film: Revenge of the Transferred Minds, in CinemaScope.
He lifted Hana’s arm off him and slid out of bed. The clock read seven forty-five.
He stood in front of the coffee machine until the whooshing noise announced his morning jolt of caffeine. As he raised his cup to savor that first sip, he gazed out the living-room windows to the city lit by the rays of the morning sun.
The patter of bare feet in the hall caught his attention. Hana, wearing a robe, walked into the kitchen, stretched, and said, “Good morning. I didn’t hear you get up.”
“Can I get you a coffee?”
“I’d prefer tea if you have it.”
He opened a cupboard above the brewer. “I have an assortment of just about everything.”
“No pot of coffee? Single servings? Seems decadent.”
“I suppose. But when you live by yourself, this is easier and involves less waste.” She examined the labels, then removed a pack from a box marked Earl Grey.
“You live by yourself? No wife? Girlfriend?”
“Life is busy right now.” He held out a cup. “There’s milk.”
“Thanks. I like it black.”
Alan took a seat in an armchair. “Let’s work out a plan of action.”
She followed him. “You’re a businessman.”
“Why do you say that?”
“A plan of action, a classy apartment, a one-cup brewer: You’re someone who goes around making decisions.”
“I suppose. Doesn’t everybody?”
“Yes, but most of us make decisions that affect nobody but ourselves.” He sipped his coffee. “We’ll grab a bite and head over to the clinic. I want to find out what connection there could be to our mutual experience.”
Alan’s landline rang. He walked to the kitchen counter and picked up the receiver. “Hello?” He listened a moment, then put his hand over the mouthpiece. Eyes wide, he said, “Hana, come here! I keep forgetting I’m you, not me. Work’s calling, and I need you to talk to somebody.”
“Okay.” She put down her cup and ran over.
He continued to hold his hand over the receiver as he dug a pad of paper and a pen out of a drawer. “You talk, and I’ll coach you on what to say. I’m going to put this on speaker so that I can listen. Remember, your name’s Alan Maitland.” He took a breath. “Ready?”
She nodded.
Alan pressed a button and put the receiver in its cradle.
A voice issued from the speaker. “Hello? Is anybody there?”
Alan whispered into Hana’s ear. “His name is Jack.”
She spoke to the phone. “Hello, Jack.”
There was a moment of silence. “You have me on speaker?”
Alan held up a note that read, “Making breakfast.”
“Sorry, I’m making breakfast,” she said.
“Had a late night? I see you have company,” Jack said.
“Barbara told me you emailed saying you wouldn’t be in today. Are you sick or did you party too much last night?”
Hana and Alan regarded one another.
“Listen,” Jack continued, “we were supposed to have a preliminary planning session with Fred this morning at ten thirty. What do you want me to tell him?”
Alan cupped his hand over Hana’s ear and whispered, “It’s not urgent. Put it off until next week.”
She spoke into the phone. “It’s not urgent, Jack. Put it off until next week.”
“Okay. You’re the boss. I hope you’re feeling better.” Jack cleared his throat. “Give my regards to the nurse.”
Alan heard Jack chuckle before the call ended. “This situation is going to become more problematic,” Alan said. “Even though you have my body, you don’t have my knowledge or experience. You can’t do my job. You can’t answer questions, and you don’t know people. I’m sure anybody who knows me would think I’ve lost my mind.”
“The same is true for me, I guess.”
“I’d say so. I would think each of us has a limited amount of time to trick people before they realize something’s wrong.”
“My clients would wonder why I stopped giving blowjobs.”
He rolled his eyes.
“And no deep throat.”
He shook his head. “Okay, okay. You’ve made your point. We both have unique skill sets.”
She gave him a look that was both playful and seductive. “You may make more money than me, but I’m sure I leave people with more smiles than you.” Her attempt at being sexy came across better when she was a woman. This was a curious switch. Do my masculine mannerisms seem odd coming from a woman?
“Ha, ha,” he said without humor. “Let’s get dressed and grab a bagel on our way to the clinic.” He started for his bedroom. “I’ll pick out clothes for you.”
As Alan grabbed socks and underwear, he handed them to Hana. He picked out a blue shirt and a dark two-piece suit and chose a tie in a deep shade of red with a subtle design. “Put those on. I’ll do the tie.”
“Do you always dress so formally?”
“I’m trying to look decent. It is a normal business day.”
“Can we stop at my apartment?”
“Why?” he asked.
“If you’re going to look decent, I think I should look decent too. Do you want to run around in jeans and no makeup while I’m dressed up in a suit? Not a good image.”
“Point taken.”
“Besides, my apartment is on the way to the Neuroscience Establishment, and I have clothes that are dressier.”
“Come off it! Do you think I go around dressed like I was last night all the time? I have a life, you know.”
“Okay, you get dressed, and then we’ll head out.” He stopped. “Think you know how to use an electric razor?”
“What?” She rubbed her chin. “I’ll be darned — stubble.” She brushed a hand against her cheek. “I’ll give it a go.”
“And I’ll get you my skin lotion. I don’t use any of those fancy colognes. Oh yeah, and my deodorant.” The two of them went about their business, with Alan sticking his head in twice to ask if she needed any help.
Thirty minutes later, Hana walked out as Alan knotted the tie he’d picked out for her around his neck. He looked her up and down. “You clean up well, Ms. Toussaint. Or should I say, Mr. Maitland?” He expanded the loop of the tie and pulled it off.
She smiled, held on to each side of the suit jacket, and curtseyed. “Why, thank you.”
He grimaced. “You should consider nodding your head, or pumping your fist and saying, All right!”
“I’m not sure I’ll get this guy thing. Then again, do I want to?”
“We both have our work cut out for us.”
“Of course, I do run into the occasional customer who likes me to play the dominant and—”
Alan held up a hand. “Too much information.” He stepped closer to inspect Hana’s neckline. “Put your shirt collar up and do up your top button.” She did so and feigned gagging. “Funny.” He handed her the tie. “Slip this over your head.” He adjusted the loop around her neck then held the knot and pulled the short end until it was in place. “Put the collar down.” He looked at the results and centered the knot. “There. You look professional.”
“Thanks.” She turned and looked at herself in a mirror, tilting her head left and right. “Not bad.” Grabbing the long end of the tie, she held it over her head and gagged again, crossing her eyes.
“Aren’t you the card.” He gathered up his phone and keys and put them in the purse. “You gals have a great idea here with these purses. We guys are always looking for a spare pocket, and not all items are small enough.”
“Is that a cell phone or are you happy to see me?”
He gave her a droll look. “Let’s go.” He took a step toward the door and stopped. “What are you doing?” She had a hand in one pocket fumbling around. “This is no time for pocket pool,” he said.
“I’m uncomfortable!”
“You have to get your testicles in the front part of the briefs with the penis pointing up.” “This is a pain. I thought you dirty little boys were jerking off in public. Who knew you have to keep adjusting the family jewels?”
Alan sighed. “Put your hand down your waistband and do it. We haven’t got all day. And be gentle, for God’s sake. That’s my junk you’re playing around with.” He held the door open to let her pass and flicked off the lights. “I had an amusing thought,” he said, locking the door.
“Oh?” Hana said as they strode toward the elevator. “Since you’re the man and I’m the woman, you should hold the door for me.” He pushed the button.
She giggled.
“That laugh isn’t …” He knitted his brow.
“Isn’t what?”
“Isn’t something I would do.”
“What? Now you want me to laugh differently?”
“In a more masculine way.”
“And how would you classify a laugh as more masculine?” He was trying to think of something to say when the elevator pinged, and the doors opened. “Let me think about it.”
They stepped in to find another couple. Alan and Hana nodded to them and turned to face the closing doors.
Hana put an arm around Alan’s shoulders and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. He stiffened.
She spoke in a quiet voice, “You were fantastic last night.” Alan heard the woman behind him trying to stifle a chuckle. He pictured the man grinning. A flush rose to his cheeks as he watched the floor numbers. As soon as the doors to the elevator opened, he exited the car and marched across the lobby.
Hana had to half walk, half skip to keep up with him.
The morning security guard looked up from his desk and called out, “Have a good day, Mr. Maitland.”
“Thanks, André,” Alan said. André gave Alan a surprised look and regarded Hana. The other couple entered the lobby and distracted him.
Alan pushed open the outer doors, checked for traffic, and walked across the street. Hana jogged to catch up. “What’s the matter?”
She smiled. “It’s a beautiful day.” He stopped with his hands on his hips. “Would you mind toning it down a notch? I like to think I have a good reputation in my building.”
She grinned. “If they knew what you were doing last night.”
He opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and continued down the street in a huff.
She hurried after him. “Aw, come on. That was funny.”
AUTHOR: William Quincy Belle
TITLE: Of Sound Mind and Someone Else’s Body
GENRE: Sci-Fi Romance, Romantic Comedy
RELEASE DATE: September 22, 2016
OUR RATING: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 stars
REVIEWED BY: V.B. “Can Do Indie Author”
Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great weekend, everyone!