It Started With a Book by Camilla Isley – Superfluous Reading

It Started With a Book by Camilla Isley – Superfluous Reading

If I had finished this book just a few days sooner it would have been part of a different review, but I finished it now, so the review is going to be the way it is.

I picked this book because I surprisingly enjoyed another book by the author with a topic I usually do not enjoy. This book was something similar, with a plot that I’ve read one or two times before and was not blown away by.

Unfortunately, even with the good writing as the overall growth ARC of the central protagonist, I didn’t love this as much as the other work.

Leighton is a computer engineer specialising in AI ( there was no call back to this with regards to the plot itself, although I kept thinking something would happen) as well as a book lover. She finds a book one lonely evening and finds herself dreaming herself into it. Soon things get a little crazy and unbelievable, but matters clarify themselves soon enough.

There is no explanation for the unexplained, which works in one way but felt like a loophole in the other. I would recommend the author to fans of the romance genre. This book was a fun read but not one that I would recommend highly.

I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience of this and one other book by the author.

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