The Grumpy Mole by John Evan Harris, illus. by Minky Stapleton. Pub. Roiall Emerald Publishers, 2024

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The Grumpy Mole by John Evan Harris, illus. by Minky Stapleton. Pub. Roiall Emerald Publishers, 2024

I am not sure whether moles are a grumpy animal but when I read the line “I am a mole and I live in a hole”, bells went off in my head, I had heard that line before in a song. Its a good line and I researched it and found it was featured in a song by the Southlanders in 1958.

The Grumpy Mole by John Evan Harris, illus. by Minky Stapleton. Pub. Roiall Emerald Publishers, 2024

In a great big tree in a great big forest fairies and elves butterflies and beetles and others have built a home. One day when they are heading for the river to play singing and dancing as they go, they meet a very grumpy mole.

He shouts at them to go away but there is a reason for it and I wonder what it is?

The mole os not interested in going to the river with them and retreats down the hole. The fairies and eves go looking for mole and what they find answers their questions of why he is so grumpy.

Great illustrations. The mole is a beauty. A story of helpfulness and forgiveness.

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