After the awfulness that was July, August couldn’t fail to be a better month. Not easy, but better in relative terms, and there were some lovely moments.
I went on alpaca husbandry course where I learned more about taking care of alpacas. I can’t say that I have any immediate plans to get some of my own, but it was a gift as I do love them. The course was partly hands on at times (with supervision!) and I got to weigh some of the babies, which is a little like weighing luggage for a holiday, if that luggage was small, furry, and wriggly and needed to be caught first! It was very adorable. While I was there, one of the alpacas gave birth, and if you’ve ever wondered what a minutes-old baby alpaca looks like, wonder no more!

I read nine books this month, including one reread, and I was very good at reviewing them. Not quite good enough to get all of my reviews out for 20 Books of Summer, but I made a decent attempt!
Read in July, reviewed in August:
Read in August:
Favourite books from the last month
Other Blog Posts
I also shared my Spell the Month in Books post for August.
Books acquired
Um, yes… in my defense, the four by M. W. Craven were very cheap, and having loved The Puppet Show I couldn’t resist.
And that’s my bookish month! I hope you had a good one, and that next month is even better! Happy reading! 🥰